Friday, August 27, 2010

Baby Watch

With only two weeks to go until Baby Girl Walker gets here (not that I'm counting or anything!!) we went to the doctor yesterday and everything is looking good! My blood pressure is low, which is surprising considering how hot and uncomfortable and cranky I've been the last few weeks! The baby's heart rate was good. And...I'm only dilated to a one! When this happened with Rachel I would be so disappointed each week, but I was still a one when I went into labor with her and they sent me home from the hospital only so I could go back a few hours later sicker than a dog and be at a seven!! So...experience is everything, my disappointment is in check, and here's hoping Baby Walker gets here SOON!!


  1. Sounds like I left Utah right in time to miss the cranky pregnant woman. I bet it's kind of exciting since you've been through this before and now know more of what to expect. You better not wait too long to go to the hospital this time. Can't wait to hear!

  2. I love the pics. We want to see pictures of the new little one. Congrats by the way!
