Sunday, August 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Spencer!

For Spencer's friend party this year he wanted to play night games at Discovery Park. He invited five friends and they played all kinds of games at the park. It was a lot of fun. Spencer has spent the whole summer playing night games, mostly at our house, and has loved every second of it. He will do anything, and I do mean anything!, to stay up later or play a little longer!

All of the kids at the park at Spencer's party.

Spencer only asked for one thing for his birthday - a new scooter that could do tricks. I'm not really sure what tricks he is planning on doing - and not sure I want to know! But he was very happen when he opened his last present and that's what he got!

We've indoctrinated him pretty well on all things BYU. He loves BYU!! You've never seen a kid so happy to get a BYU t-shirt and a BYU street sign on the same birthday!! Of course, this isn't all he got - he got some clothes and some money too. But the smiles weren't nearly as big for those pictures (shocking, I know!!) We love you Spence!! Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

  1. Umm, that is so gross that you put a picture of kidney stones on your blog! Everything else is cute...but really, kidney stones?!
